Three NEVERS of Social Media for Writers

Since I’m new on the blogging scene, I’ve been reading others to get advice. This is a wonderful post!

Kristen Lamb's Blog

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These three professional blunders can hang on like the smell of dead fish and stink up our author career, so avoid them at all cost. I understand that many of you who follow this blog are new, so if you’ve made one of these mistakes, you’re learning. We all oops (especially in the beginning), so don’t sweat it. Yet, I see these three behaviors far more often than I’d like.

You’ve been warned ;).

NEVER Be Nasty in a Blog Comment

I am fully aware that my blog can’t make everyone happy. I work my tail off to entertain and enlighten but I know I can’t be all things to all people. If I’m not your cup of tea? Just click the unsubscribe button at the bottom of the e-mail WordPress sends you or e-mail me and I will happily assist you leaving (and cry later *sniffles*).

There is no need for…

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My Upcoming Book

When my son was younger (he’s 18 now) he used to love stories about dragons.  I remember when we read “Eragon” and then waited impatiently for the next book to be published.  Even though we both enjoyed the books, one thing my son always brought up about dragon and dragon rider books was “why?”  As in, why would a creature as absolutely awesome as a dragon let something as puny as a human command it?  Why would it risk its life for that same puny human?  Why would it even care?

Because he often brought up this question every time he read a book about dragons (which was often), I started pondering the same thing.  The answers in most books are vague, most simply stating a dragon formed a bond with his rider and treasured it above all else, even itself.  That doesn’t really answer the question though, I mean, why would it do that?  Surely we aren’t to believe these awesome creatures were created specifically for human use like a common horse.

Anyway, not to harp too long on the subject, the point is when I started writing my book I decided I wanted to really address this question and bring a new perspective to dragon rider stories.  Little did I know this one simple question would have me pondering many other questions, such as what could be more powerful than a dragon?  What could make a dragon bend its will to a human?  Do I, as a reader, like the fact that dragons are bound to humans and their whims?

If you have ever wondered these same things then I hope you will read my book.  Even if you haven’t it might be worth seeing a new perspective on an age old story.

I haven’t decided yet if I will be trying to release the whole book at once or if I want to release a series of novellas.  I’m leaning towards the novellas, mostly because I don’t want to feel rushed in getting my story out.  Also, I would like to self-publish on Amazon Kindle and keep the price around $.99 for each installment.

I’d be interested to hear your thoughts on what would be the best way to introduce my story, and any other suggestions you would like to share.  In the upcoming future, I may share an excerpt from my book to get some feedback as well.  I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I am enjoying writing it.

Stay tuned!!

Time for Change

As I get older I realize trading my time for a paycheck, while it does pay the bills, gets pretty boring and definitely doesn’t bring happiness into my life.  For that reason, I decided to try my hand at writing, something I have always loved to do.  To that end, I have written a few articles (a few were even bought!) and I started writing a fantasy book.  It’s not really ready yet to publish, and more than likely if I do ever publish it will be self published on Amazon Kindle.  But that’s not the reason I wanted to write anyway.  If I am able to make a few dollars doing something I enjoy then that is awesome.  If not, I still get to enjoy what I’m doing.

As things progress, I hope to add some more information on my book, my life, my opinions, my articles, and whatever else I feel like writing about.  For those of you who would like to join me on my journey, welcome aboard!  May our journey be long, fun, and full of adventure…